A downloadable game for Windows

Github link: https://github.com/rizkyrevaldy/Roll-and-Dice-Prototype

Boardgame version: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/293829/roll-n-dice-last-man-standing-board-game

"Surrender your fate to the RNG Gods."

Roll n Di(c)e is a 2-4 player last man standing game. Your life depends on the dice you roll. The last man alive wins.Get Buff Cards to enhance your gameplay. Debuff Cards to weaken your opponent. Even more ways to win by using Opportunity Cards!

Each player starts with 5 Health Points (HP) and can have up to 7HP. Players can move in any direction they want and take a number of steps by rolling a 6-sided dice during their turn. Each player can attack one another by landing on the same tile. The Attacker can attack by rolling a dice once. The Defender can defend by rolling two dices once and pick the highest number on either dice. The highest number inflicts one damage to their opponent. Use Teleport Tiles to instantly move to another Teleport tile. Use DMZ Tiles when your HP reaches critical, other players can't attack you here. Up to 30 turns each gameplay!

Wanna play tag team with your best bud? TURBO Mode allows you to play as a team of two against another team! Four players, two teams, 20 turns max. Each team shares 5HP. Double the fun with your teammate!

Still in the development, many of the feature of the board game still not yet implemented in the digital version


Roll n Dice.zip 27 MB

Install instructions

just extract the .zip and run the rollndice.exe

Development log

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